28 nov 2007


Este articulo trata sobre los primeros estudios de comportamineto de gente que aparenta poder padecer adiccion a internet, al final del mismo encontramos unas tablas bastante explicitas en cuanto al tipo de comportamineto ke desarrollan los addictos tales como
desorden bipolar
historial de addiciones quimicas reconocidas
trastornos de personalidad, como la necesidad de inventarse nuevas identidades

"The sample included 23 females and 12 males with an average of 14 years of clinical practice.
Their affiliations ranged as follows: 65% worked in private practice, 20% were employed by a community mental health clinic, 10% worked in a university counseling center, and 5% were employed in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Approximately 87% of survey respondents were from the United States, and 13% were from United Kingdom and Canada.
Table 1 suggests that clients are most likely to present with direct complaints of compulsive
Internet use, relationship difficulties, or a prior addiction problem and are less likely to present with a psychiatric illness. Respondents noted that 80% of their clients used email, 70% chat rooms, 10% newsgroups, 30% interactive online games, and 65% used the World-Wide-Web
(primarily to view pornography or to utilize online trading or auction house services).
Respondents reported an average caseload of nine clients who they classified as Internetaddicted,
with a range of two to fifty clients treated within the past year. It should be noted that
95% of the respondents reported that the problem was more widespread than these numbers
Internet Addiction is a broad term covering a wide-variety of behaviors and impulse-control
problems.13 Qualitative results gleaned from this study suggest that five specific sub-types of
Internet addiction could be categorized:

1. Cybersexual Addiction - compulsive use of adult web sites for cybersex and cyberporn.
2. Cyber-relationship Addiction – over-involvement in online relationships.
3. Net Compulsions - obsessive online gambling, shopping, or online trading.
4. Information Overload - compulsive web surfing or database searches.
5. Computer Addiction - obsessive computer game playing (e.g., Doom, Myst, or

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